ISKOI: DC-social tagging: Milan: June 10

Eva Mendez isko at
Tue May 12 15:24:13 CEST 2009

Workshop: DC-Social Tagging: CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
Date: Wednesday, 10th June 2009 (10:00 to 17:30)
Place: Università di Milano, Palazzo Greppi, Via S. Antonio 10,
Milano. Sala Napoleonica

This workshop intends to gather all interested in such applications and
developments, and in their relationship with metadata and practices. The
themes of the workshop will be:
- Emerging trends in social tagging.
- Tagging communities and Web-based collaboration.
- Web standards for resource description in collaborative landscapes.
- Vocabulary building from folksonomies (tag-ontologies, tag-thesaurus, etc.)
- Metadata and annotation management.
- Formats for describing communities (FOAF, SIOC, etc.)
- Analysis of online communities (SNA) through folksonomies and tagging systems.
- Other ways of describing information for Web 2.0 (microformats, etc.)

Workshop Co-Chairs:
- Eva Méndez. Associate Professor. Librarianship and Information
Science Department. University Carlos III of Madrid.
- Ana Alice Baptista, Assistant Professor. Information Systems
Department School of Engineering. University of Minho

Workshop Program Committee:
- Dan Brickley, FOAF project, United Kingdom.
- Pete Johnston. Eduserv Foundation, United Kingdom.
- Jane Greenberg. Francis Carroll McColl Term Professor. University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill. USA.
- Charles McCathieNevile, Opera Software, Norway.
- Liddy Nevile, Department of Computer Science & Computer Engineering,
La Trobe University, Australia.
- Emma Tonkin. UKOLN, University of Bath, United Kingdom.

--> Submissions must be sent to: emendez at  and analice at


Dr. EVA Mª MÉNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ. Associate professor.
Dpto. Biblioteconomía y Documentación | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
C/ Madrid, 128 (Office. 14.2.17) | 28903 GETAFE (MADRID). SPAIN.
Phone: +34 91 624 86 20 | Fax: +34 91 624 92 12 | emendez at | | sip: 518620 at

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